TechValidate Security Facts

We asked Dealmakers about Security. Here’s What They Told Us…

In our latest survey using Techvalidate, a leading third-party research provider, we reached out to dealmakers for their perspectives on Security and Intralinks. What did they say?

  • 79% agreed that the highest level of security is a priority when selecting a VDR.

  • 93% confirmed there is no VDR provider their organization trusts more than Intralinks to keep deal data safe.

  • And a full 100% said they always trust the security of Intralinks to keep their team’s deal data safe at all times.

In all, we’ve collected 20 new, third-party verified proof points and customer testimonial quotes – known as “TechFacts” – touting the importance of data security and confirming how Intralinks is delivering on our security promise with customers.