
See the Future of Dealmaking in Action: DealCentre AI™


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

12:00 pm ET

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to reinvent how deals are done. See how DealCentre AI can speed and streamline your deal.

Join us for a demo of our all-new platform DealCentre AI and see how SS&C Intralinks is applying artificial intelligence to completely reimagine the dealmaking process.

DealCentre AI offers a range of capabilities designed to simplify tedious and complex tasks, while harnessing cross-deal insights to drive smarter, more informed decisions.

Join our webinar to find out how.


A guided data room experience is a step-up from your plain vanilla data room.Buy-side users are able to navigate the data room as though they would an interactive website.

This “guided data room” experience:

  1. Has an integrated “Pitch space” enabling sellers easily migrate from pitch phase to due diligence phase on one platform;

  2. Links files from different business units for easy navigation between files and folders;

  3. Shows images and videos first hand on a page, so need to download to view and play;

  4. Is interactive and intuitive;

  5. Is built from the ground up with security in mind which is provided by the best in the business: SS&C INTRALINKS;

  6. Is flexible and upgradeable using code which can be built, integrated and injected to the site to meet the needs of the transaction;

  7. Can be tailored to the specific needs of the seller.




  • Fast and easy to navigate.

  • Images and videos available to view on the site with no need to download.

  • Integrated NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement) and KYC (Know Your Customer) form.

  • Low cost offering.

  • Ideal for small to medium sized deals.

  • Tailored to the deal as one size does NOT fit all.

  • Easy on the eye when compared to the traditional virtual data room.

ONLY global VDR provider with physical representation in West Africa

MLS + SS&C Intralinks is proud to be the ONLY global VDR provider with presence in West Africa.

We work from within West Africa providing our clients with the personal touch.

They say a picture says a thousand words. I believe those below say it all. We are here to stay supporting businesses throughout West Africa from within West Africa.


Try our new Pitchspace platform that helps securely get your deals off the ground.

Reach out to us for a demonstration on how we do this.

sopanubi@intralinks.com | www.intralinks.com

seyi@mlslegal.co | www.mlslegal.co

+234 803 301 9519

MLS + SS&C Intralinks recognise Cyber Attacks do not let go

Cyber attacks are constant and do not stop.

… Every 14 seconds, a company falls victim …

… Nearly 4000 new cyber attacks occur every day ….

…. On average, around 30,000 websites are hacked every day globally …

MLS + SS&C Intralinks secure the files involved in Africa’s biggest deals. We ensure transactions remain secure from start to finish.

Reach out to us for a demonstration on how we do this.

sopanubi@intralinks.com | www.intralinks.com

seyi@mlslegal.co | www.mlslegal.co

+234 803 301 9519

MLS + SS&C Intralinks are tough on cyber threats

Do not take the security of your transactions for granted when shared online.

At MLS + SS&C Intralinks we secure the files involved in Africa’s biggest deals. We ensure your transactions remain secure from start to finish.

Reach out to us for a demonstration on how we do this.

sopanubi@intralinks.com | www.intralinks.com

seyi@mlslegal.co | www.mlslegal.co

+234 803 301 9519

My 2022 Christmas Gift (Contractual Dispute Resolution)

Contract Dispute Resolution using AI, SiftERs and workspaces

My 2022 Christmas break commenced with a Contractual Dispute Resolution instruction.


Central Africa

Industry Sector:



Negotiate acquisition of majority equity in the holding company by exploiting contractual based issues arising between parties of the holding company.

Reason for approaching MLS:

Advisor approached MLS because speed alongside depth of analysis was critical for a successful negotiation to occur. We were the only provider that had both the Legal expertise, Contractual Reviewers and Technologists required and necessary if the objective derived from instructions were to be achieved.

Phase I - DOCUMENT / FILE RETRIEVAL using ai of dealvIsion

Document retrieval is defined as the matching of some stated MLS query against a set of Client records. These records could be any type of mainly pdf, word, excel, powerpoint, image, video and unstructured data such as newspaper articles, real estate records or paragraphs in a manual.

MLS shares with client a check list to guide the client through what is needed for MLS to effect a Contract Review.

MLS sets-up a Workspace for upload by Client of Files for Review

MLS uploads Checklist in DealVision which uses AI to compare Checklist with Files Client uploaded to Workspace. DealVision identifies what Checklist items have been addressed. MLS knows what Checklist items are yet to be addressed and to reach out to Client for those items.

Reduced the time and effort in ensuring MLS had all Files needed to commence Review

Phase II - Contract Review and analysis using sifter algorithms

MLS identified types of Contracts in the Workspace and identifies the ideal document type that best matches each Contract type.

MLS tailors the sifters in each document type identified .

Each Contract is then analysed by Sifters in the matching document type and an Abstract is generated showing high, medium and low priority advisory for each Contract.


Using Pitch Robots Power Point style reports are generated of findings from the Contract Review exercise.

Using same Pitch Robots Strategy Document advising on best approach is also generated.

All Contracts and Reports are securely shared with Parties to the dispute using the Workspace.

Introducing DealVision™ (Due Diligence leverages Artificial Intelligence)

due diligence leverages artificial intelligence

The new Intralinks solution for buyside due diligence leverages artificial intelligence to let you quickly:

  • Organize seller’s documents according to your checklist

  • Assemble your team and assign tasks accurately

  • Manage your team’s progress through a real-time dashboard

Watch how it works


Buyside Deals

Dealcast (Podcast) - U.S. M&A Expectations For 2023

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In this episode, we’re joined by Kevin Ketcham and Kevin McCaffrey, columnists for DealReporter’s Morning Flash, who discuss mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity in the U.S. in 2022 as well as what lies ahead for dealmaking in 2023. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How M&A activity fared in the U.S. last year

  • Private equity software sector M&A trends

  • Expected pharma dealmaking activity in 2023

  • The potential impact of anti-trust sentiment in the new year

  • Sectors to watch over the next 12 months

Dealcast is presented by Mergermarket and SS&C Intralinks

By Kevin Ketcham and Kevin McCaffrey

See VDRPro™ in action!

Intralinks VDRPro™

The fastest, smartest virtual data room anywhere.

Don’t just take our word for it. See why thousands of teams use VDRPro and recommend it so highly


You may need to advise your clients about VDRs. We can help.

Even though the choice is obvious, advisors often need to present their clients with a comparison of VDR alternatives. To save you some time, we built a template that includes a feature comparison between top VDR providers, as well as a pricing table you can customize.